آخر الأخبارأخبارأخبار العالم

Job: Industrial Engineering Engineer – Alexandria Plant in Ameria, Alexandria

Support in Plant efficiency and  capacity

  • Develop productivity improvement actions for the plants, optimizing the cost/benefit ratio.
  • Interact with other functions of the plant to design and implement technical/organizational projects of improvement.
  • Following the manager’s requests, study and develop innovative productive processes in the specific area of competence.
  • Analyze and solve problems about the standard times evaluation, connected to equipment saturation and man-machine chart. 
  • Propose, by analyzing and evaluating the productivity and economic parameters, actions aimed at optimizing costs and quality of the product, in compliance with the standards of quality of the product.
  • Issue the periodical KPI reporting towards local and central functions.


Support in plant performance management System

  • Give support to the activities aimed at achieving the PMS targets at local level.
  • Drive continuous improvement projects cooperating with Manufactory System specialists at central level.

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